School Counseling

Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower students with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to achieve their academic and career goals. Through individualized guidance, we foster personal development, promote self-advocacy, and inspire lifelong learning.

Course Selection

The course selection process at WTHS begins in December. Students, teachers, and counselors work together to find a schedule that is challenging and prepares students for their post-graduate pathway. 

Here are multiple resources to help guide you and your student through the process. 

Academic Course Description




Social Studies

World Language


Course Selection Worksheet

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12


Honors English II 10022

English II 10023

Honors English III 10032

English III 10033

AP English Language 10031

Honors English 10042

AP English Literature 10041

DE English 10481/10491


Honors Geometry 1022

Geometry 1023

Algebra II 1049

Honors Algebra II 1042

Algebra II 1043

Honors Pre-Calculus 1069

AP Pre Calculus 1661 (Algebra II Pre-Rec)

Honors App Financial Literacy 1222

Math IV 1193

Honors Pre-Calculus 1062

AP Statistics 1081

AP Calculus 1071

AP Pre Calculus 1661

Social Studies

Honors US History Survey 3022

US History Survey 3023

AP US History 3031

No History taken this year

Honors Psychology 3042

Psychology 3043

AP Psychology 3041

Honors Legal Aspects 3092

Legal Aspects 3093

AP World History 3011

Honors African American Studies 3262

Honors Latin American Studies 3562

Honors Latin American Studies 3562

News Media 3523


Biology 2013

Honors Physics 2062

Physics 2063

Honors Chemistry 2042

Chemistry 2043

AP Physics 2521

Honors Physics 2062

Physics 2063

Honors Chemistry 2042

Chemistry 2043

AP Environmental 2231

AP Biology

No science was taken this year


Early College Worcester

Virtual High School

AP Art History

Early College Worcester

Virtual High School

AP Art History

Spanish I

Early college Worcester

Virtual high school

AP Art History

Spanish II

WTHS Scheduling Guidelines


Learn more about the Common Application at their website, a universal application for multiple colleges. Students should sign up in the summer of their Junior year to start completing their applications.

Explore Naviance, a tool that helps students research colleges and careers throughout high school. Students complete Interest Surveys to align their strengths and interests with potential career pathways.

Students should view this scholarship list, which is frequently updated with new opportunities for students. Be sure to check back regularly for the latest scholarships available.


WTHS offers multiple opportunities for students to explore potential career pathways.

  • Co-op

  • Shop Job Sights

  • Community Opportunities 

  • MassCIS

  • Summer Jobs

Naviance is a resource to help students research and learn about different career opportunities and fields of study. Students can access this resource through their CLEVER account. 

Masshire has many resources available to students and parents. Particularly useful is their apprenticeship webpage. Please access MassHire through their website

Masshire Career Information System (MassHire CIS) is a wonderful tool that is free to everyone! Please access MassHire CIS through their website

Financial Aid


Other Resources

Graduation Requirements

This is a quick guide to WPS graduation requirements. For a detailed description please refer to the Worcester Public School handbook. 

In order to graduate students must:


A picture of Whitney Goodwin in a black shirt.

Whitney Goodwin 

Department Head

A picture of Erin Macaruso in a grey shirt and white cardigan.

Erin Macaruso

Construction Academy

A picture of Tracie Kurczy in a grey shirt.

Tracie Kurczy 

Alden Academy

A picture of Tom Quinn in a blue and white striped shirt.

Tom Quinn

Allied Health

A picture of Jordan Kolodzieizack in a jean jacket.

Jordan Kolodziejzack

IT/Business Academy

A picture of Erin Macaruso in a grey shirt and white cardigan.

Erin Baffuto

9th grade Academy